So how did I get here? It's all a result of meshing several passions of mine. I grew up in West Tennessee and North Mississippi and was blessed to be reared by a humble and hard working family. I spent a great deal of my upbringing on my family's farm in Lafayette County, Mississippi. Being a country kid, I had to help work the land with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. We raised hogs, tilled soil, shelled peas, cut timber, bush-hogged the fields....all the things that hard working country folks do. To put protein on the table, we also hunted our farm and fished the area creeks, ponds, and lakes. Learning to hunt and fish was a right of passage and a chore in my family. We were all exposed as youngsters. But as we grew up to adulthood, some of us stuck with it, while others chose to move on. But for me...hunting and fishing eventually became obsessions. Since then I've been blessed to be able to travel the globe to hunt and fish...simply because I enjoy doing it.
So where did the photo bug come from? Fast forward years later, photography came along with the arrival of my kids, Collin and Reese. As a proud Dad, I wanted to be able to capture as many life moments as I could as they grew up. So I purchased an entry-level DSLR and kit lens. From there, I taught myself the basics of photography (with assistance from great mentors). Over the years, my wife and kids have supported me by becoming my harshest critics, and also by graciously serving as models to allow me to refine my skillset. As a result, I now have many birthday parties, flag football games, ballet recitals, kindergarten graduations, etc. to commemorate.
Eventually my photography gear began riding along with me in my tackle box, on my boat, and in my hunting pack.
The rest is history.